Tuesday, October 28, 2014

The Malady

   I have a weird obsession, maybe even a sickness. It's not healthy, I know this and yet, I don't do anything to reign it in. I allow it happen. I allow it to grow. There are times when it lies dormant, only to come roaring back to life bigger than before. I am an audio equipment addict. Even worse, I'm a vintage audio equipment junkie. The bug had been under control, simmering quietly beneath the surface, for over a year. Then, a couple of weeks ago, I was given an Atwater Kent Receiving Set, Model 32 and I could feel the fever starting to rise.

 It's an interesting little piece of radio history and you're lucky that I won't bore you with the details. There are, however, two problems that need to be addressed before I can even find out if it works or not. First, it originally was powered by three or four external batteries, so I need to buy a kit (available online) that will allow me to plug it into a wall outlet. Second, it requires an external speaker. Here's where the fun starts, I've been searching the interweb for something that is (A) period correct and (B) in working condition. They are out there in varying combinations of A and B, it comes down to how much I'm willing to spend. However, before I was properly lost in the problems and possibilities of this nifty little radio, I was distracted by another gift; a product from the RCA Victor Co. Inc.
   This is a Model 10K, given to me by my mom-in-law. It came from her great-grandparents ranch. She remembers listening to it when she was a youngster. I brought it home last Saturday and, with fingers crossed, I plugged it in. I had visions of listening to game four of the World Series the way it was meant to be heard. I imagined traveling back in time, hearing the crack of the bat and the cheers of the crowd while the announcer painted a word picture of the action, all coming out of this wonderful piece of furniture. Alas, it wasn't meant to be, despite having rigged up a makeshift antenna, the only sound was the quiet hum of vacuum tubes warming up. Sadly, I had to watch the Giants win, on a TV. I'm happy the Giants won, I just wanted to hear it, with my eyes glued to a glowing dial instead of a glowing flat-screen. Still, it's a beautiful addition to the living room and a duck decoy has managed to make it a home.

   These two recent acquisitions got me thinking about the ultimate score, the stereo console. This piece of equipment is my Holy Grail. I don't even know what brand I want. I do know that I don't want something cheaply made, that's for sure. There are enough great brands that I wouldn't need to jump on the first one. Now, my wife will say that there is no room in the house, but I think I could make room for the right one. I need to start saving my pennies, because I hear the siren song of vintage audio equipment calling my name and the sickness won't go away. I think I could give any of these a good home.

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